Financial Support for Generating Renewable Energy

Since coming into power the government has done three things to undermine community energy projects:
  • The revisions to the Feed in Tariff (the government subsidy to support renewable energy generation)
  • Changes that exclude 'feed in tariff businesses' from the Enterprise Investment Scheme and to the Venture Capital Trusts, which would exclude community energy enterprises from accessing this vital financial support
  • A planned review of capital allowances for Feed in Tariff businesses, which also would impact community energy social enterprises

Please join us by writing to your MP to raise these issues

We launched a high level campaign in May to ensure that community renewable energy schemes can continue to benefit from EIS and VCT investment. We have already caught the government's attention but need to do more! 
The Minister for Energy and Climate Change, Greg Barker, recently stated that the government have not yet differentiated between community energy schemes and private commercial schemes, and recognises that this is an oversight. 

Greg Barker stated this in response to the fantastic number of people raising this issue. We need to build on this and ensure the government is clear that this doesnt just related to the changes in the Feed in Tariff subsidy but also to investment support.

A comprehensive consultation on the Feed in Tariff is due later this year and a consultation on the Enterprise Investment Scheme is due early next month (July) - we will update this site on both of these when they are published.

For more information about the campaign and the policy changes discussed here, please feel free to download our short briefing.